Lily has only been off her steroids for 3 days and already she is returning to her old self. I am feeling so blessed that she is returning so quickly. She still doesn't look like herself but she is laughing and telling jokes and I can finally see her inside there again. She has been helping me around the house again and she will even play with Makinlee! She still asks for snacks a lot but now if I tell her no she doesn't scream for hours if I don't give it to her. (Oh hallelujah) Even over the last few days I have noticed her belly going down and she will walk. She hasn't wanted to walk anywhere for months now so this is kinda huge. Its baby steps and at this point and I am so okay with that.
As far as her treatments or condition I wont really have any new info until Wed. but her blood counts are showing consistently now that she is maintaining red blood cells, and staying normal with her white blood counts so we are hopeful by this news that she is accepting treatment!

I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone that has helped get us through this last month. It was much more difficult at times than I ever could have imagined or expected but with the love and support of everyone we were able to make it through. And of course a special thank you from Lily for all the birthday cards! They really have brightened her days with all the "special mail in her name". Its been a great distraction for her so thank you. We are happy and once again having fun and able to enjoy life!
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