My March 13, 2015
Today I have just tried to keep myself busy. A year ago today lily was admitted into the hospital with in 4 hours of initially seeing the Dr.. I will never forget the startled look on his face as he entered the room and saw Lilys pale complexion for the first time. Still looking back I can't believe I let her get so pale without any concern. About this time we were headed into the hospital for her second blood test in a row as the first was so off of normal they thought that they had a contaminated sample, and by 8:30 we were headed for a direct admit into room 4636 (which we have come to realize is like the official chill spot for all cancer kids, as I don't think I know of one kid that has been admitted that hasn't stayed in that room) 🙂 I'm remembering how calm I was but still so scared and worried. Now it's been a year, and I'm still scared, and worried, but the difference this year is I can actually see that light at the end of the tunnel. I see the end coming closer and I can almost imagine what life will be like after all of this. So much has changed in the last year. Nothing is like it was. We are pushing forward and determined to live a fuller life this year as health allows. Keep praying and keep supporting. Our journey isn't even half over, but the rough seas should be over. And we are hoping to just cruise by and enjoy the view
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